With Women In Mind 2023

Our 2023 annual self-defense expo, With Women In Mind, was another amazing experience that left participants buzzing about their experience!

Here are a few comments left on social media posts that made our souls happy….

Due to the weather that Hurricane Ophelia brought with her up the coast, this year’s Expo had to be modified and 2 of the 4 stations were not able to be put into play.

These modifications did NOT stop us from providing a superior training experience for attendees. In fact, participants were able to get more in depth on some much needed aspects of training.

So many women have asked us, “At what point do you KNOW when it’s time to act?”

Every self-defense situation is different and there are just too many variables to give a blanket answer to such a seemingly simple question. Scott Taylor with Delaware Tactical brought in a training simulator so that participants were able to play each scenario out in multiple different ways, each using different variables and ending in different results. This hands-on classroom training paired perfectly with our other station, PRAXIS.

PRAXIS is a tac-house built out of several shipping containers. It allows individuals to work on angles, footwork, and safe handling of defensive tools in a 360 degree setting while inducing the thought process necessary for safely engaging a threat in a home or public setting.

The instructors who partner with WDC for training events are top notch, highly qualified, and are well versed in the training they provide. We sure feel blessed to have several reach out in efforts to make what we do a possibility.

Multiple different training agencies currently work with us here at WDC to provide amazing training opportunities throughout the state.

HUGE shout out to Delaware Tactical, It’s All About Protection, Seaside Krav Maga, and their teams of instructors for showing their support in our mission to help women live with less fear and more freedom!

If your training agency is interested in working with WDC, please reach out!


